ТС Мултимедия
Pistonic Diaphragmatic Absorber with a peak absorption from 80 Hz to 120 Hz..
Absorption coefficient | 1/3 Oct. from 32Hz to 160Hz | 1 Oct. from 250Hz to 8 KHz |..
Wooden QRD Diffuser...
Wooden Geometric Diffuser...
A high performance bidirectional QRD diffuser...
Myriad AE има елегантна форма и се предлага с покрита с плат предна част,лесно се залепва върху повъ..
Azores Printable - RangeAbsorption Range:350 Hz to 8000 Hz..
Hybrid Absorber-DiffuserFlowing parametric design.Absorption Range:250 Hz to 5000 Hz..
Hybrid Absorber-DiffuserA high-performance acoustic core with a carefully calibrated diffuser design..
Wooden Absorber.Sahara is the first of a new league of acoustic treatments.Absorption Range:350 Hz t..
Wooden Absorber.Absorption Range:315 Hz to 3150 Hz..